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YES! Program
The YES! (formally YCC) program provides an 8 to 10 weeks hands-on conservation experience to high school students ages 15-18 and a college intern, with the goal of creating conservation stewardship and leadership at an earlier stage in a young person’s life. The ultimate goal of this program is to create a greater continuum for youth to move towards conservation employment and leadership. 2022 makes the fifth year of this successful youth program.

Black, Brown & Green (BBG) Environmentalist Program
The Program's theme is to inspire 6-8 local youth ranging in ages 12 to 15 yrs old and their understanding and appreciation of their environment and neighborhoods by working on beautification and unification projects throughout their Pembroke community.
Youth Initiatives

Black, Brown & Green (BBG) Environmentalist Program
The Program's theme is to inspire 6-8 local youth ranging in ages 12 to 15 yrs old and their understanding and appreciation of their environment and neighborhoods by working on beautification and unification projects throughout their Pembroke community.

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